21 January 2011

Infrastructure Impressions

My thoughts are nothing more but in awe after experiencing infrastructure mode. The lobby function certainly slaps me some nostalgia and idling will be part of my game routine, will reside in UNI1 SKY10.

Charge Shot II Video Showcase

Supposed to have posted this here after uploading but I ended up in a hurry to leave the house, there are places to go with so little time especially when you stayed up the whole night. All nighters are great and if it's to get on down with work, then work is all that you will do! Will be lazy with this post since the video is self explanatory, gonna copy/paste what I said on the PSO-World and Sega forums below.

Here's a short video project started two days ago which showcases 'Charge Shot 2' for all available ranged weapons apart from R-Mags. Although there are videos regarding this already on the internet I thought I'd give it that extra something something. All captured footage is taken from the Infinity demo.

Not sure what video I would bring out next... if it's informal then it would probably be Duman Infinity Blasts or high level technics parts 2 with the six new spells. At the time being my activities will be broadcasted on the typestream, which is available to view by pressing the streaming button above or by heading over to http://www.justin.tv/typestream for archived recordings which last up to a week.

9 January 2011

Charge Shot II video in the works!

Hey everyone, first post for 2011 and about time. Back into the swing of things with the PSP2i demo; apart from the livestream of my Dewman progression/grind I'm in the process of making a new video.
This will be informal (visually) like the TECHNICs video I did a few months back, only to display the new Charge Shot 2 animations for all ranged weapons. Working this against a deadline so expect it up soon.


Will be updating my twitter more frequently now so that I can actually keep track of the progress, if not anything else that's blog related. Right, back to work and it's gonna be a long night of footage capture.