31 August 2010

LUNA SEA announcement on Ustream

Been a slave for nearly a decade now, time flies and to see a world tour happening... I've become so wet. Anyway link is here and it's currently live - www.ustream.tv/channel/lunasea

30 August 2010

Wind, Rain and Sun

Caught up in a lot of things so I haven't had the time to sit down properly and finish a post, come up with something creative or get enough rest for my health. Lately I've been making the most out of Summer before the Autumn season kicks in, though the wind has been nice recently here in London.

Kaori reached level 150 last night, took a short break before that and the Magashi runs have been rather helpful. Yuber and Ami are to mention for the 'Big Push', 'JUMP' and a few rare missions.

Haven't touched any other games apart from MHFU (Monster Hunter Freedom Unite) which I play with RL friends. It's fun starting over again from HR9, not to mention the intense screams and laughs during ad-hoc mode. Whether your outdoors, at someone's BBQ or even when you commute.

Saw Scott Pilgrim over the weekend with a few friends and we were in hysterics. Best experience I've had in a cinema other than the Evangelion films shown back to back. Definitely have to see it again, probably another two or three times since it's awesome and on a bigger screen.

Huge distractions would be Kamen Rider!! Been catching up with the Kiva and W series, though I've been rewatching some DEN-O and will make a start on Faiz if I can. Kirihiko was such a man, man.

Would be nice if I could really pull this off in game... Yeah, I'm not fond of Accel.

Speaking of which; Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity!! The expansion that will probably blow my nuts off. Mizuki Nana will be voicing 'Nagisa' and I sense what type of character she will be. Ordered the famitsu magazine stating the news alongside with the one after, which contains MHP3rd goodness.

23 August 2010

3 hour Journey home from SVB20-X

Will post something more in-depth when I've managed to get some rest, the event was awesome.

I had to do some photography work during the finals; from 12pm onwards till 1am! It sucked because my SLR was lame, not to mention that I was somewhat nervous. After a few hours I gotten use to moving around the stage, taking close-ups and asking the finalists to pose before their game started.

A few of the amazing faces witnessed within the tournament~

Celebrities I'd say, can you guess who?

Anyway, will have to get round to uploading all the photos for Neo Empire after I wake up. For friends that asked, no I didn't get paid... will get round to working something out however.

Here, have some links won't you http://www.neoempire.com/ and http://www.supervsbattle.com/

20 August 2010


Super vs Battle is THE Fighting tournament to be at for those in the UK, mainly London. It'll be starting in less than three hours and I haven't had any sleep. Not sure if I'm going today but definitely for Saturday and the finals on Sunday, get hype!! Daigo Umehara will be there along with Marvel vs Capcom 3 for some hands on action. More details over at http://www.supervsbattle.com/svb20x/

Think I'll be packing my SFIV TE Stick for some casual games, gotten rusty due to Starcraft 2 though. Anyway, to finish I shall present something amazing... Sailor Moon fans rejoice, this is just too sweet!!!

In all honesty, I preferred Sailor Moon during my childhood days opposed to Dragonball =o

18 August 2010


Episode 20 of K-ON!! Has touched me in ways that, tear jerking was the only way to go. Bless them ;_;

SOUND HOLIC - Endless Seeker

Touhou arrangements are delicious especially from the recent Comiket 78; it's all that I've been listening to over the past two years or so... that and VOCALOID. SOUND HOLIC doesn't disappoint and due to this I shall link something that's worth the listen. Credits to aghart101 and his decent choice of uploads.

In regards to the album 'SOUND HOLIC feat. 709sec. - Endless Seeker' it's refreshingly good in terms of track listing; the vocals collaborate so well with the instruments and vice versa. Personally I'm not hot on male vocals for arrangements (apart from COOL&CREATE's beatMARIO) but 70sec's imo is decent. Majority of tracks are upbeat with some sort of Western influence, dare I mention some Lady Gaga?! Oh, Nomiya is in this album performing '真夜中★スカイダイブ' and for that I'm in awe, yeah I'm a fan ^^

12 August 2010

Rant, Hiatus, Stuffs

Over 700 hours and counting, this game sure is worthy of investment for the PSP. Infrastructure Mode wins hands down since playing with others is a must. I've met a decent bunch who I consider as amazing e-friends, shame that they don't live close by since that would be of a different story.

I've removed myself from the psow community/forums for several reasons; pricks, elitists and people who are so freakin' stupid. Sure you'll find them everywhere but the ones encountered there are the worst I've come across. US gaming forums in general since it's all rage, resulting in sidetracked threads that contain countless pages due to one person's opinion. Another thing is, do people read at all? Why do people tell you to do things their way with some sort of aggression, a high and mighty attitude. Mind you, I have moderated a few forums in the past and learnt that a small, tight community works best. Should have stayed a lurker regardless, even my type of trolling ain't worth the hassle.

To quote Gene Wilder, all I have to say is "Good day sir!" http://youtu.be/xKG07305CBs

Real life complications have caught up to me again. I'm to the point where I'll have to decide whether or not to drop what I currently have and move on, progress! Danny Choo mentioned this as the 'comfort zone' during his presentation a few months ago in London. Will be giving it a lot of thought throughout the weeks to come. Casual seems the right word to use, for PSPo2 and games in general.

Thanks for reading, much appreciated.


7 August 2010

Oh Jabroga!

Preparing a lot of screen captures for the upcoming PSPo2 posts; current character progression, infrastructure mode missions with the usual guys/girls to other goods that are worth mentioning. Have to sleep now but I'll leave you to a handicap match with the four of us against a Svaltus!


Paying for SSFIV lessons...

That's right, top tournament players are offering training to those who wish to pay. For the whole article, click here for some lovely reading. The service is good on those that are interested since they have the money and are willing aka SRS!? Anyway, Lance explains it quite well in his video.

Right, I take my fighting games casually but it doesn't hurt to get competitive every now and then; unleashing your wrath of abusive powers verbally, mashing the crap out of your stick and raging over your melted ice cream. It's even better when that person is next to you, now who's to blame?