12 August 2010

Rant, Hiatus, Stuffs

Over 700 hours and counting, this game sure is worthy of investment for the PSP. Infrastructure Mode wins hands down since playing with others is a must. I've met a decent bunch who I consider as amazing e-friends, shame that they don't live close by since that would be of a different story.

I've removed myself from the psow community/forums for several reasons; pricks, elitists and people who are so freakin' stupid. Sure you'll find them everywhere but the ones encountered there are the worst I've come across. US gaming forums in general since it's all rage, resulting in sidetracked threads that contain countless pages due to one person's opinion. Another thing is, do people read at all? Why do people tell you to do things their way with some sort of aggression, a high and mighty attitude. Mind you, I have moderated a few forums in the past and learnt that a small, tight community works best. Should have stayed a lurker regardless, even my type of trolling ain't worth the hassle.

To quote Gene Wilder, all I have to say is "Good day sir!" http://youtu.be/xKG07305CBs

Real life complications have caught up to me again. I'm to the point where I'll have to decide whether or not to drop what I currently have and move on, progress! Danny Choo mentioned this as the 'comfort zone' during his presentation a few months ago in London. Will be giving it a lot of thought throughout the weeks to come. Casual seems the right word to use, for PSPo2 and games in general.

Thanks for reading, much appreciated.


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