4 October 2010


Attending the EUROGAMER EXPO wasn't on my schedule for the weekend. However, a cousin's friend pulled out at the last minute so I decided to take up on the offer. The venue this year is much bigger than the year before, it's the UK's biggest video games expo to date. You can imagine it as a small E3 or TGS with no announcements, just games to try out along with conferences and an industry section.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was all over the place. Both PS3/360 versions were available to play, each console hooked up for multi-player with a time limit on session. The game wasn't competitive but more of a mind f*ck since you're given targets (players) to assassinate, only to find out that they too look like civilians and are possibly after you. Best way to sum it up would be 'hide and seek' and 'tag' for sinister minds. Depending on what character you choose you're given a different set of skills to use, like a pre-set perk system. Demo was fun from what I played, probably better once it's released.

Gears of War 3 was in the over 18's section along with Killzone 3, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2, Dragon Age 2, Bulletstorm, Medal of Honor and other games. Notice how it's mostly FPS, something that I've gotten out of lately. Didn't try anything here since it was ram packed, queues were crazy for most of the games so the 'overpriced' cafe just like at any convention got a visit from me. Vanquish was over in the main hall, sadly it wasn't multi-player but the single-player demo that's obtainable via PSN/XBL.

Rock Band 3 had five screens, one being for group performance while another had the Pro Guitar on for try. Won't go into much detail but it's just a midi-guitar for Rock Band allowing you to play/learn the guitar with the game. Slap bang in the center they had a few Gran Turismo 5 set-ups, wouldn't mind having this in my room. GT5 was also available to play in 3D, though it doesn't change my opinion on the whole 3D thing. Sure it was visually impressive but not necessary needed, nice but no thank you.

BRINK had the biggest line throughout the whole day, wait it's another FPS game so forget that. I'll move onto Castlevania instead, now that's impressive. Haven't played any of games since the Game Boy version but I've been blown away with this demo. Whipping action at it's finest since elements of GOW and Shadow of the Colossus are to be seen. The ice-titan boss encounter was damn fun to watch too.

Nvidia showcased their 3D Vision on a few rigs around the back, tried out Starcraft 2 with the set-up and again, nothing special about it. I wouldn't dare spend that much on such a graphics card and monitor. There were many groups playing LittleBigPlanet 2, I don't have the slight bit of interest in this game, nor did I for Fable 3, Fifa 2011, Def Jam Rapstar and other titles around there. Nothing portable was available to play apart from the NDS titles, last year they had a PSP Go section but that failed.

Super transition to Nintendo! Their E3 announcement was the best, bringing back the games we love for this generation. Donkey Kong Country Returns, Goldeneye and Kirby's Epic Yarn were playable.

Biggest surprise was seeing 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword' being playable. It was hidden in a small tent of some sort, having a queue formed around the back of the Nintendo section. Couldn't see anything and didn't have the patience to wait. Alas, more Wii/NDS games were available to play too.

Playstation Move - Basically a wii-mote for the PS3. The games didn't look one bit interesting and it's nothing new. Microsoft's Kinect for the 360 - Make yourself look like an idiot but feel good while dancing, driving and playing volleyball. Kinect feels more superior but it's too damn expensive...

Lined up to see Jonathan Jacques Belletete (Art Director, Eidos) for the upcoming Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I'm a fan of the first game but wasn't asked to check out anything regarding the second or latest one, but that turned out to be a good thing. The conference was really fun, a lot of things were explained regarding story and gameplay. Ended up getting nerdgasms/nostalgia due to the game music.

Linking the epic Japanese trailer since it feels like Ghost in the Shell <3

Definitely a must purchase unlike id Software's RAGE, the last conference of the day. I ended up RAGE-ing over the whole presentation. Boring, boring and boring. If you're willing to check out this post-apocalyptic FPS, it's basically Borderlands with intense graphics. Tim Willits had even ignored the Borderlands related question and said RAGE was unique in many ways, it's not but that's my opinion.

Met up with some friends on the day too, discussions went down and hilarity ensued with games. That reminds me, the only freebie I got was a RAGE t-shirt while lining up for the conference, such a shame about the game/shirt design. EUROGAMER EXPO will be back next year, let's see how it'll turn out then!

Capcom Europe via http://twitter.com/capcomeuro tweeted the following message here on the day. By the time I read this I rushed to the front of the place, in a matter of minutes I found him walking towards my direction. To my disbelief no one else had gotten to him yet so this was the result *manly tears*

It's the same Leo at the MHTri event I posted back then. This makes it the 4th time seeing him, others to mention are the Lost Planet 2 event and MHFU Gathering Hall in London. Nice Guy and thanks CAPCOM.

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