4 April 2010

[MH3] London Session - 03/04/10

The event was being held at the Village Underground situated in Greater London. Arrived fifteen minutes early; despite walking past it the first time, taking a long detour around the main road and venturing down two or three streets. Google maps isn’t pinpoint accurate, either that or I forgot my coffee.

Got in the line which grew by a few heads and waited... it sure was quiet. Attended this event alone, seeing as the majority were in pairs or groups meaning that conversations were bleak. This is where we were greeted by a Monster Hunter; in other words a bloke in cosplay, wielding a switch axe. Not forgetting a pose or two with Poogie the pig. In my opinion he lacked the awesomeness of Ironbeard but he sure had his moments, and this I totally rate because he got us talking before it started.

As we all enter the premises we are greeted by two lovely ladies, again in MH styled outfits behind the reception desk. Apparently I was not on the list for the 12PM but 2PM session. Had to show the confirmation e-mail on my phone, waited it to be checked and was allowed to participate.

Facilities included toilets and a catering service that provided sandwiches and drink. Now that everyone had checked in, we all move into ‘Mogi University’ for class. There we had a brief introduction on what’s expected from Tri, new content opposed to the previous version;
All explained by Capcom’s UK PR Manager, the infamous ‘Electric’ Leo Tan!

The new Switch-Axe weapon, a hybrid form of both the Great Sword and an Axe all in one.

We couldn't resist Leo's voice but with class ending, it was time to get rolling with the game.

The four player co-op demo which I played at the MCM Expo and Eurogamer (my video here) event last year was available to those who wanted to hunt together. Single player or split-screen mode were on wii’s scattered around the back. Made the choice of going solo and sat myself down in-front of a screen.

Character creation is the same like in all the other MH games, a good range of faces and hairstyles for this version however. Went with my own preferences and here are the results!

Controls on the classic controller are spot on compared to the PS2/PSP, pretty much pick up and play for those already experienced in this game. Monster Hunter Tri feels like playing Frontier more than Freedom...

Ah the reason why I stopped playing that was due to subscription services. Not that I wouldn’t pay for it but I was paying for two other mmo’s at the time, was hard enough to meet people that play at different times too (here I go again with time differences).

Gathering isn’t mission related from what I’ve experienced from the session; having unlimited time to gather resources sure is worth the hassle. I’m sure there are other new functions but I won’t go into detail since I don’t like giving out misleading information.

After a walking around to take a few photos, I participated in a co-op group to take out kurupekko which was timed, sadly it was just over six minutes. If it flies places then chasing after it will be daunting... that’s all I had to say. Everyone got a certificate after which states that we are ‘Monster Hunters’. Did the two other bosses too, only to have a hunter die after another resulting in failure?

Couldn't believe they actually provided a blogging area. Would have used it myself but I can take quite a while typing up, or uploading would have been a hassle.

Two hours went by quickly and the session had to come to an end. Wanted to keep playing but it’s most likely that I will once the game hits the shelves on the 23rd this month /cheer.

Forgot to mention, goodies were given out after registry and it was a folder containing information, competitions and post cards. However this doesn’t top the chair I got from the LP2 event a while back. Nonetheless, it was a great experience!!

Wish I had an SLR but this would do for now; For the photos, head over to the flickr link here.

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