31 March 2010

Obsessions again

Before the new makeover of this domain, I use to post up about anime figures and such. Here's to my first post of the stuff I use to post up... *YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*

Little did you know, I've been a Hatsune/Vocaloid fan since the release of the Vocaloid 2 software; Use to compose music but that's all in the past now, moved on to other things and illustration/gaming is where my creative dump lies. I don't listen to it as much now since my music phase has transitioned to Touhou (C77 content is amazing) and old school stuff.

Recently I've pre-ordered the BRS figma, told myself that I'd keep off from these purchases but it was hard to resist. Selling my current Good smile/Alter models would make up for this and other figma's to come. Shame that the Revoltech trend didn't catch on for me, nendoroids aren't my thing either despite the cuteness.

Short of speech

Weekend turned out differently than planned! There's no new footage recorded since I've been travelling; Considering more twin handgun action! Fast and all over the place and I guess that's how I roll, or what people like?!

Logged on-line the night before to practice my LWG solo runs. As always I tend to search the servers before creating my own room to dwell in; Came across a room with 'whaaaaa...?' (can't remember) in the message box so I entered. Apparently the person hosting was a member from the PSO-world forums. Ran LWG 1-3 with Ami but we didn't get the times needed, great fun and the practice is needed for those tasty treats. Another member joined thus we participated in a 2 v 1 battle mission, then free missions. Had to leave since it was getting so late.

Curse the slow chat and time differences..

You know, I'm still changing classes but it looks like it's gonna vary between ranger and braver now. I've also created a new character so I'll post up anything whenever I can.

27 March 2010

Show them your Stick

Gamestation had this going for £50 which is more than half of the RRP (£150). Undoubtedly an awesome deal which could not have been avoided. SSFIV is on the way, as well as new sticks but they don't match in any degree with this one.

Will also use this to play Touhou, Melty Blood to PSO on the PC when I can.
Love the idea of hack n' slash with an arcade stick.

26 March 2010

Competitive Play

Lost Planet 2 multi-player demo for PSN and Live has been announced!

Capcom Europe is looking for LP2 fans to represent them. I've applied for recruitment and have yet to hear from them. Usually reluctant to take part in many things, yet sometimes they turn out better than expected. Pessimism is written all over me but it can't be helped.

Let me get straight to the point.

When it comes to multi-player or anything competitive, I get that adrenaline rush; I focus so much to the point where my eyes would water. That intense feeling where I'd shake and get nervous, it's all part of the play.

Playing LP2 PVP at the event left me in a state of nostalgia! Good times if I was to say, since the last time I endured the rush was from COD4MW on-line.

Will see how things go and if I get accepted~

Idling Excitement

Been out and about since the last update, would say that I've had a good time!

Made a start on the hard difficulty for story mode for S-Ranks and S-Rank weapons;
Emilia's already rewarded me with a few of her Rods, not to mention a few drops too.
Hopefully the conversations should go according to plan, I have yet to see the good ending.

For those asking me for more recorded footage of game-play..
I'll be doing some this weekend as my cousin will be visiting so expect some ad-hoc action.
Would have love to done the LWG but he doesn't have the real copy. However, I am looking for a partner to do the 3 stages so PM me via PSO-world forums or by any means necessary.

April 3rd also see's a joint event with Nintendo and Capcom for Monster Hunter Tri in London.
I shall be attending and will update this blog with photos and such when the time comes.

22 March 2010

Lost Planet 2 Event in London

Photos have been uploaded to my flickr from the LP2 event last Friday, check it out here.

Cookie points and bread

Progress has been slow after getting past LV80 but I have no intention of having a break. Excitement here as I've finally decked over a thousand monsters, that's right! More digits towards my e-peen. Reward for the achievement granted me an S rank Sword, will have yet to check it out.

21 March 2010

How do Ken?

Finally got round to getting SF4 on the iphone. Totally impressed with functionality and play. Will be out down the West End looking for challengers! Not really, just out to catch up with a friend.

20 March 2010

Old timers

Finally caught up on my weekly podcasts and I'm still watching/listening to them as I type. Diggnation, Filmsack to content on twit.tv; the geek in me has awoken! Great for background noise and I tend to learn something new now and then. Helps take a load off my mind too, lately it hasn't been that great..

Witnessed the brightest rare/elite in game so far, here's me hoping for rainbows next. Also I've received two new NPC partner cards; One was unexpected and the other made me scream with excitement. Loving the side quests since I want more story and the sense of nostalgia is great.

Physically social through tubes

Japan will see the release of MHP3rd later this year, I cannot stress how much awe I'm in. With PSPo2's capabilities of having internet play via wi-fi, I'm hoping this goes for all future RPG titles on the PSP. Sure there's the PS3 but I'm not intending to get one yet, neither x-linkai.

Everything is done in the home and on-line now, kinda sad compared to what everyone was up years back; Packed out living room with friends as you wait and play SF2 in turns. Could say that 4-player Goldeneye on a 15" CRT with VHS player was freakin' amazing too. Must be the physical interaction, food and drink that makes it so special. That's right, I'm still in ecstasy after the event.

Kinda miss the Gathering Hall when I think of it; met great people, had a blast ranking up and helping others while playing in a relaxed atmosphere.

19 March 2010

I'll take a warm seat

Promised Capcom that I will not mention or show any media from the LP2 event till the 22nd. Would like to say a huge thanks to the community staff and company for pulling off such a great experience.

Also this amazing chair, which I was told that; Jun Takeuchi and several other people's butt had embraced during the night, especially mine.. oh yeah~ the one in-front of the gorgeous screen.

Morning meal and Coffee

Haven't felt this refreshed for a while. Weather isn't settling but that's the UK for you. I will be attending Capcom's LOST PLANET 2 event later today, invites only and the excitement has been flowing for some time now. Should be a blast; gaming, people and drinks involved.

Decided to chill out for the rest of the afternoon on PSPo2.
After watching TOSHI31SAN's LWG-1 attempt, I thought I'd give it a try with Hunter class.
There's much more improvement on the 2nd and 3rd run; First attempt as ranger was 21:26 OTL

On a last note, hearing the news of music producer Jun Seba passing away has struck me in way. His music drives inspiration; makes my days better in some ways too.

RIP Nujabes

18 March 2010

[PSPo2] Meatshield and Cream Cakes

Spicing up missions with patience and timing! I could say that the Shield/Saber combination gives an utmost to strategy within gameplay, or any other SH weapons paired up with a shield. Can apply to 2H but a shield has always been classy!

The sound of a successful guard/block is so mesmerizing! PP Guard Save and Exact Guard Advance abilities are used. Should have considered allocating Infection Protect too. You gotta love a good defense/offense.

Video notes: Had no problems encoding the footage this time. De-interlaced the way I wanted it to be. Consists a mash-up of two runs put together, thought it would be a good idea to cut out on the running (some sections involved over 20 seconds worth of no action) and some fights.

[PSOBB] My thoughts

Heads up, I've just started playing on the PSOBB servers casually *cheer*

Trying to remember which television program it was that introduced me to PSO. Couldn't believe what I saw; amazing graphics, action, use of many weapons and an on-line function. After all the only console I had then was a SNES! Being thirteen years of age back then isn't as spoilt like the kids today, that and having strict parents.

Now, being a PSU player you'd probably hear the usual flaming and trolling on how crap PSO is, sure it's old but I'm actually enjoying the game right now.. despite being PSOBB. Can totally see why people prefer this over the new releases.

17 March 2010

Multiple choice answers

Lately I've been indecisive of which class to stick to. The Braver class makes up for that but I'm looking at it from all perspectives, especially with the skills gained since I tend to mix and match for whatever situation the selected mission offers.

Partnership and PP Escape Save are compulsory for me; I don't normally group up and a right roll at the right time saves me from healing.. in most cases I roll a lot (talk about having no PP).

After reaching LV8 within the Ranger class I get the skill 'Elemental Hit'. With that I'm considering if it's worth selecting for other classes. For example, are the two points necessary for a force user? Assuming that it provides a higher minimum damage to the opposite element and/or a higher proc rate on status infliction. As mentioned it's due to personal preferences. I'll keep experimenting and yeah.. Don't think I'll stick to any class and main it.

On that final note, I've decided to join a PSPo2 community group at PSO-world.
Looking forward to it!

Attempt on LWG1stステージ

Gosh, record time for sure.. I'll definitely have to find a partner for this.

The start was mind numbingly fast and crazy compared to what I'm usually up against in free missions. Ended up running, dodging and healing more than I shot at anything.

With that said, I'll attempt the 2nd Stage now.

Update: 2nd Stage is much better in terms of enemies but Dragon gave me a few deaths.

16 March 2010

Paper-crafting - PSPo2 Characters

I've been making Gundam kits for the past 2/3 years and never once did paper-crafting has crossed my mind. At first I thought it was a PVC figure, then jumped to the conclusion of Goodsmile or Alter producing it. I was wrong, it's just paper.

Self explanatory video of Emilia crafted in paper goodness.
More information at http://moekami.hp.infoseek.co.jp/

Uploading Lumia and Chelsea's from Nico to Youtube since I can't find them on there.

Free missions, sugar and sand

It's not World of Warcraft but it's probably my highest level so far with any PS game.

There's much to do still and I'll be continuing with recorded footage; probably story mode on hard or just free missions. With that said I still haven't played on-line properly.. must be my unwillingness to meet and greet new people in communities.

15 March 2010

[PSPo2] Magical Girl Kaori

Second video is up! Track of gameplay progress and fun experiments with encoding. Over 250GB worth of uncompressed files in the end, took quite a while but I've managed to squeeze out five minutes worth of 魔法少女 kaori ~

Levelling footage from LV77-78 as the Force class. Consists of several plays, Svaltus variants and a surprise ?????

14 March 2010

[PSPo2] Evasive Maneuverability

My first PSPo2 video to date. Recorded footage from the PSP via component cable. Quality is okay, however 'Remote Joy Lite' does a better job knowing from past works. This video is for a quality check, nothing serious!

Contains a lot of 'unnecessary movement', use of twin handguns only and 'full charge' shot spam. I'd just call it mindless fun so expect some variety when I get round to doing more videos.