31 March 2010

Short of speech

Weekend turned out differently than planned! There's no new footage recorded since I've been travelling; Considering more twin handgun action! Fast and all over the place and I guess that's how I roll, or what people like?!

Logged on-line the night before to practice my LWG solo runs. As always I tend to search the servers before creating my own room to dwell in; Came across a room with 'whaaaaa...?' (can't remember) in the message box so I entered. Apparently the person hosting was a member from the PSO-world forums. Ran LWG 1-3 with Ami but we didn't get the times needed, great fun and the practice is needed for those tasty treats. Another member joined thus we participated in a 2 v 1 battle mission, then free missions. Had to leave since it was getting so late.

Curse the slow chat and time differences..

You know, I'm still changing classes but it looks like it's gonna vary between ranger and braver now. I've also created a new character so I'll post up anything whenever I can.

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