28 June 2010

KotSR takes over

With the release of 'Knights of the Steel Rose' DLC I couldn't help purchase the uniform (parts) for my Cast. Only to then buy the uniform (clothes) for my Beast. Did I mention that I also purchased the Rifle and Twin handguns? Now I feel like there's a need to get the Saber... Oh the humanity!

I don't regret the purchases, the weapons are very decent in terms of design, bullet animation and stats. Completed a c-mode the same night just to get the extend codes for upgrading. Now that I think of it, c-mode is all that I've been doing with the PSPo2 chatroom but it's so fun.

Here's my Beast alt along with Leon's Beast alt, Beastly indeed! It's my first time being one since they didn't show much attraction in PSU, with PSPo2 however they can look really decent. Right, that concludes my PSPo2 post for today. I shall look forward to working on my Ranger class later.

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