29 July 2010

CONTRA in your PSP2

Haven't posted on the actual blog for a while, especially with my Phantasy Star Portable 2 Progress. It's been a busy week but a few hours here and there in-game tends to suffice for steady levelling. Challenge Mission II (Stage 4) was released yesterday, I didn't know of the contents but I ended up witnessing something that left a huge smirk on my face, countless youtube searches and did this...

We ran it twice, along with Stage 2 and 3 for those lovely rewards. Will eventually get my desired elements on the weapons but that might take some time. Anyway, I'll kindly state that feedback is necessary for me to bring out more videos, hit that thumbs up button and feel free to comment <3

25 July 2010

SFxT Announced!!!

Mentions of this happened at Evo, some didn't think it was coming but it's all true now... GET HYPE!!!

Credits to Lance Cryor and RajmanGamingHD

21 July 2010

De:Synchronisation (Video)

It's finished~ Thanks to those for the support, you know who you are! Video details coming later.

20 July 2010


This slipped past my radar; managed to set-up the 360 today only to find out that Idolmaster 2 will be out next year? *HNNNGGGG* indeed. Wonder what goods they'll tease us with for limited editions ;;

Credits to MagentaG and LobsterHime for the upload/work, much appreciated o/

18 July 2010

Those ideas... Stuff them into a Sandvich!

I'm wanting to make more videos but I can't due to the current one in progress. Therefore I've toned down on ideas to keep it simple, ensuring a quicker release which should be later this week. Will state what's needed so I can keep myself focused, otherwise I'll be distracted ;;

I've scrapped the After Effects work (masking) since it's very, very time consuming. I will however use what I've learnt over the past few days and do it for one of my free mission videos.

Footage required -
  • Saunria for the character introduction; poses and PA usage
  • PSO, won't spoil much here but I'll be capturing it from the GC version.
Upon completing the above -
  • Do Saunria's introduction, which will be 4 seconds long (like the rest).
  • Export video to Adobe Premiere for text transitions.
  • Import back into Vegas for finalizations then render out for upload.
  • Considering a NicoDouga upload, will re-render with a smaller resolution.
UPDATE 22 July 2010 - 
After getting Saunria's footage everything was done. The finalizations were to add some extras.

Youtube shouldn't let me down due to the earlier video encodes, after that I'll be posting it to PSOW and probably the SEGA forums for some attention. Since the Western release is soon this should spoil for those that wait. Since my first video upload back in March, it was just standard game play. I've made improvement since and it will stay that way, incorporating music and other goods.

Other video ideas -
  • JUMP mission; this will feature Yuber and Ami who will dress as PSO characters.
  • My Newman alt, displaying the use of LV21+ force PA's.
  • Kamen Rider influenced 'HENSHIN' video with Leon's Beast alt.

PSU 360's supplement update will be out in two days and I'm actually considering if it's worth playing, then again Starcraft II will be out in 9 days so that's a no brainer.

13 July 2010

Bone Crushing MAXIV S

Haven't had much time on PSPo2 lately but I managed to do a MAXIV S run with Keiji and Yuber a few nights ago. It's still risky at my level and to be honest, with one or two adjustments we probably would have finished the whole thing. Ability points were dedicated to my own safety and healing, along with defensive attachments to my line shield. One thing I didn't think about were resists; being stunned and frozen are the main concerns for this run, one or two hits will take me out instantly.

With that mentioned, relying on others to use a Sol Atomizer would take some time. They're already busy with the damage dealing and their own safety. Maybe a 4th party member would have helped out, then again it's all for yourself when it comes to this game... more or less anyway.

My MMO experience as a 'healer' doesn't apply here since PSPo2 isn't one, nor does it have a system which offers healing to be more convenient for the party; having a heal over time spell would be nice or a temporary shield cast to party members. Meh, just some thoughts but this clip from Austin Powers will do nicely for what I said http://youtu.be/oEPpwQlRu5M

I'm using grants now, happy? They remind me of the ION Cannon from Command and Conqueror http://youtu.be/WSiNflPkSgE Not as destructive however! That's another reason to level my FO class.

Ardites bring the pain here, they're like Zangief; cyclone punch and body slams. Got frozen here and the resta/reverser came a second late. All is good though, will work with the others on doing more MAX runs, either A or S because it's good to nail missions flawlessly. Maybe for A but not for S rank!

SFH The Musical

It had to happen and I'm all giddy. The previous video was okay but who's with me on this? Get hype!

Before Dan kicks your ass, go and subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/user/StreetFighterHigh

WTB Green Screen

Haven't been in a good mood lately, something's bugging the crap outta me and my anxiety is acting up again. Think I'll make a bacon sandwich (with no cheese) after this post to set my mind straight. You can't work on an empty stomach in the morning, will need a black coffee to go with that too.

I was suppose to finish the video in a week, that didn't happen. Think of it as the late supplement update for PSU360, which should see the light later this month. Video transitions are done but the thing that's holding back on completion is the intro. I'm going all out with editing software for this.

This is what I'm hoping to have, character on the left/right along with video running behind them. Think of the back being a green screen without the green screen. Would be nice if they offered a program similar to the WoW model viewer, making machinima would be much easier this way but manual labour will do. I'll be using After Effects for the time consuming 'frame by frame' masking.

Currently working with 25 frames for GJARE's character animation; that's a lot of click and drag adjustment which should take some time. Shifting this to Premiere afterwards for the title work.

12 July 2010

Winner of EVO 2010



I've been hyping since the start of the finals from 6:20PM to 6:44AM (GMT) the next day. This is a first for me; had excitement throughout the whole event and I even managed to have my 3 meals, shower and some healthy gaming on the side. It's a shame that the stream cut out on the final round for Daigo and Ortiz (Over 120,000 viewers). The servers couldn't handle the hype, not even myself! They announced an EVO for Japan in September so let's hope that gets streamed then.

11 July 2010

EVO 2010 Streaming goodness (Final)

EVO2010 finals begin with Melty Blood: Actress Again (I should pick up on this game again). Would have been nice if they had shown the pools for this but being the final top 8 now, time to get HYPE!

10 July 2010

EVO 2010 Streaming goodness

Another stream to enjoy for the night, been watching the SSFIV coverage and it's been all the hype. Love the commentary and hot dayum! There was a lot of mentions of the guy in the crowd via twitter.

All the information you need to know are on either sites linked below, eat it up won't you? I'll definitely be catching the Melty Blood finals coverage on Sunday, probably the whole event due to excitement.

Official Site - http://evo2k.com/live/ | Stickam - http://stickam.com/evo2k

9 July 2010

Me and TF2

Team Fortress 2, it's something I go back to every now and then for harmless yet frantic 'overnight enjoyment'. Remember, image puns will do the world a greater deal if used correctly (see below).

The servers that I play on is over at http://www.ukcs.net/ and by far it's one of the best STEAM communities out there. I've been with UKCS for a few years since CS 1.6, a cousin recommended it and I can't thank him enough for the good times. Mind you, PC > Console communities for a fact.

For those that know me, you can probably guess which spray is mine. It animates too which is a bonus, if you're willing to check out the source then click no further http://youtu.be/qyznjXvyJQY

What skins are you using? They look naff... Touhou skins! Typical of me but it's amusing to hear and see characters like Patchouli with the Sniper's Australian accent. I even made a video months ago to show my noob skills. Reverted back to the default files since it doesn't slouch my PC's performance.

That's my post about TF2, will now get onto something that mattered to me today and that's the Engineer update! Seeing is believing, here's the link - http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/ Looks like I'll be playing tonight at some point, like with all previous class updates it's gonna be hectic!

Ami's Photo Shoot

Meet Ami, she's an activist within the Communion of Gurhal, Hyuga's waifu and excels in extreme hand to hand combat. She's also my first PSPo2 infrastructure buddy, too lazy to check up on archives but it was a while ago and even till now she's still sporting the lovely Guardians uniform.

The recording session lasted around twenty minutes, most of the time we were running around Sakura Blast trying to find a decent spot. When we did it was the usual; have the so called 'model' stand still while I get several camera angles. I'd have to sit sometimes but up-skirt isn't a problem!

Falcon Kick! With weapons of choice I get her to spam out PA's like how GJARE did for the video. Dual Dagger PA's amazes me due to insane flips, twirls and a lot of airtime with the animations.

Especially with this generous fart that she let off, immense rear power as expected and enough to cause twice the amount of blossoms to fall. This doesn't harm Neudaiz in any way so no worries!

Unsealed and ready to go. With my ignorance of many things within the 'Phantasy Star Universe' I have a hard time remembering weapons, monsters and other stuff. I think this is A SWORD!!!

Here she's showing off DAT SWORD PA! Oh my, I really am lacking in game knowledge for a game I enjoy. I'm not going to check it up now but will look it up later *goes to the corner and cries* ;;

Wait, when did Hyuga Ryght show up? He's not even in PSPo2 or is he... Behold the power of image editing since I've managed to slap him in from PS Portable. Well, that concludes the session for now.

Two down and one to go! Then again there's myself to record as well, which will be a little trickier in terms of angles but I'll manage somehow. As for the video, more progress has been made; the music transitions are perfect now so I'll just have to match up the scenes to sync with the beat. It's taken much longer than predicted but no hurries, it'll be out before the end of the month! *motivational slap*

7 July 2010

GJARE's Photo Shoot

As you can see to your right I've added the twitter widget -
If any inactivity occurs here you can see what I'm up to wherever and whenever.

Turns out that I require more footage in order to continue and finalize the video. In my DRRR!! inspired intro for the MAXIII video, everyone liked the character introductions so I'm going to take it further on this. Deciding on a borderline PSO and BlazBlue style transition, which is kinda hard to explain now.

Managed to catch GJ/Untan on earlier today and I asked him to get on-line to 'model' for me. He was hesitant until I explained why. You know, having the default human male character for looks is funny. Everyone would customize their looks right? Not in his case, he says that it's awesome... I think.

Chosen place for the recording was in Dragon's cave, near the back where you could find an unusable entrance/exit. It could have been elsewhere but this will do. Ignore my HP since I literally had nothing on kaori, sorting out your common box has it's drawbacks, that or I'm just forgetful.

It took under five minutes to capture what I needed. With that out of the way I still have two of the participants to go; Ami and Loli. They'll both be doing the same thing, with a stage of their choosing.

6 July 2010

Henshin! Beast ON!!

It's too hot to work on the PC! Instead I've been chilling out with other stuff. One would be a restart on the original Phantasy Star Portable! Upon a few hours of play it certainly kicked in that PSU nostalgia for me; it's been two/three years since I've played on the 360 servers so that probably explains why.

The transition to PSPo2 sure makes it something new and exciting. Now I'm realising that going back to enjoy something older has it's sentimental values here and there... The music in Parum upon entering, being unable to block which wasn't a problem back then and the original PSU cheese.

Back to PSPo2, I had a fun alt run earlier with Amy, Leon and Yuber. Fun because we all had different roles to our main characters. I certainly have grown fond of my beast, same with the others and their new alternatives to play-style. Something happened in one of our runs (was recorded).

It involved transformation but you'll see the uploaded video once I've finished on the current project (mentioned a few posts earlier). The weather has cooled down therefore, it will be completed over the next few days. Hold on to your butts! Or as we like to say here in the UK - 'arse'.

Last image was taken when Reo joined the usual party about a month ago, if not less. Didn't manage to post this due to several circumstances but here it is! Now, I must feed my sugar cravings hehehe.

Ami's DeviantArt (Pimped)

"When you're bored, you start drawing running mates" says Ami. This is her rendition of my kaori which looks really cool, it has her distinct art style so many thanks!! (≧∇≦)b What style you ask?

Feel free to check her out her PS inspired fan-art here http://mirror-alchemist.deviantart.com/

4 July 2010

TOHO Clock

There's the UNIQLOCK (http://www.uniqlo.jp/uniqlock/) and now a parody with Touhou, making it the TOHO Clock. For those familiar with ZUN's creation, I'm sure you'll have a good time leaving the official page on as a music jukebox or a screen saver. As a bonus, the widget will do nicely to the right since I gotta keep track of times in London and Japan; mostly due to gaming maintenance times.

Official Site - http://boxell.jp/clock/

Thanks to youtube user touhoulikes for the video(s) and information.

NicoDouga AX Live Stream

It's currently on and I don't know why I'm watching it. Reminds me how awful cosplay masquerades can be but you know what, the nico comments are so damn entertaining to read out. BRS *cringe*

Visionary Forest (Videos)

The Next few days will be busy so I'll be pushing the deadline forward a few days. 70% progress has been done so far. Here's a sneak peek at what to expect (incomplete).

As you can see I've done some of my own work, capturing the surroundings down to the Phantasy Star Portable 2 title. The mission is based off PSO's forest so why not, other ideas had struck me down during the progress but I'll mention that in another post.

Will decide whether the final upload would be worth posting on forums regarding Phantasy Star Portable 2. It's coming out soon and I just want to show them how fun it can be, the PSO nostalgia is a plus too now that I think about it; possible series of PSO on PSPo2 videos?

In other news, I've been farming out for Dam.Grants to 'shoop da woop' whenever I use my force class. Still no luck but I got lucky with a 13* drop, and that drop is a hiryujiteri. Shame about the element, will see if I can get a neutral or light element.

2 July 2010

Visionary Forest

Nearly a month since I've posted a PSPo2 video, mind you there haven't been any new missions to run. However, since the update we've all been doing 焔帝の猛攻 (PSO Forest mission) for those Codes and Boosters. With seven runs recorded and encoded, the work has started on the editing.

When I do a project like this I get better; improvements, quality and yeah... it'll be better than previous releases. This shouldn't disappoint since the hours spent doing storyboards and BGM searching somewhat paid off. Giving myself a deadline for completion over the weekend so watch this space.

1 July 2010

Old Spice and Questions

Advertising at it's finest if I was to say. Old Spice comes back with another sensational ad. I just had to post this out of sheer excitement, the first video was amazing, funny and they pull it off again with this. I haven't tried the product yet but it's kinda tempting; just because I could smell like the man, man.