4 July 2010

Visionary Forest (Videos)

The Next few days will be busy so I'll be pushing the deadline forward a few days. 70% progress has been done so far. Here's a sneak peek at what to expect (incomplete).

As you can see I've done some of my own work, capturing the surroundings down to the Phantasy Star Portable 2 title. The mission is based off PSO's forest so why not, other ideas had struck me down during the progress but I'll mention that in another post.

Will decide whether the final upload would be worth posting on forums regarding Phantasy Star Portable 2. It's coming out soon and I just want to show them how fun it can be, the PSO nostalgia is a plus too now that I think about it; possible series of PSO on PSPo2 videos?

In other news, I've been farming out for Dam.Grants to 'shoop da woop' whenever I use my force class. Still no luck but I got lucky with a 13* drop, and that drop is a hiryujiteri. Shame about the element, will see if I can get a neutral or light element.

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