31 May 2010

ACE R (JP) Release date announced

Mecha fans! 19/08/2010 will see the release of ACE R on the PS3 (JAPAN ONLY). This is big news for me since I've been a fan of the PS2 ACE games. What makes this series unique is the collaborations with several mecha anime, combined into an easy to digest action game with a decent storyline. Pilot mecha from Code Geass R2, Gundam, Macross F, and more.

Acid Black Cherry's 'Re:birth' makes a debut in the PV and for that I'm in awe, Yasu's voice is just mesmerizing. Personally speaking, this is the only reason why I should own a PS3. Like how the 2nd game got me into getting a PS2.

CM with the release date/price - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgJe0sFC-Zs
Official website - http://www.ace-game.jp/

The Chat room

VorpalLord from the PSOW forums had established a chat room back in March for anyone to group up, discuss the game, general chat and other stuff like youtube links. It's the way to go if you want to make PSPo2 friends/on-line progression.

The PSPo2 chat room is here - http://xat.com/psp2. Read and follow the rules once you're on the page.

  • Have your character name and level as your chat user name.

  • Feel free to greet everyone, it's hard for first timers since I've witnessed it myself.

  • Sometimes it can be empty, quiet or people are just busy playing.

  • Do take the initiative to create your own party and ask for those who are free to join.

I'm still active and will get on-line during the following times: 1AM-6AM (GMT) / 8PM-1AM (EST). They're all estimates but depending on the day I'll be in there earlier, later or not at all. Can't escape the great outdoors if the sun is out!

Mid-term START!

Been on hiatus for a few days now, going out and about sure racks up on your spendings. The mid-term holidays have kicked in for the rest of us in the UK so updates will be from unfinished posts or none at all. Will be getting back to the usual routine once I've sorted out a few things, for now I shall rest and recover since being ill can really get me down.

Oh! I've playing PSU Episode 1 for a mind refreshment (2/3 years since I've completed it) and it has been fun. I even tweet my sessions whenever I start, encounter a good scene and when I stop. Playing off-line sure is lonely... haha.

26 May 2010

Project Diva 2 Update

About nine weeks and a day to go for release so there's plenty of time for Sega to tease us. Announced today is a small showcase of costumes that you can expect, along with a songs such 'Just be Friends', 'Roshin Yuukai' and more. Start!

Credits to fgghjjkll for his quick upload, nicodouga link provided below as usual.

【ニコニコ動画】【初音ミク】収録曲とコスチュームをちょっとだけ公開!【Project DIVA 2nd】

I really should work on a new layout for posting videos *scratches head*

24 May 2010

Phantasy Star Portable 2 for EU/US

It's been announced a few days ago but I haven't been bothered to mention it here. Some readers don't check everything but I'm sure this will be new news to those who are interested in playing it! SEGA announces PSPo2 for the US/EU this fall.

Sega could have uploaded a better screen capture compared to the ones I take *shrug*

It's great news for those who have been holding off with the import. In the mean time you can chew on what I have to offer; depending how it goes with me and this game, I would still cover the JP events if they are to happen after release.

My biggest concern is the connectivity of servers. Whether it's going to be free-for-all i.e. allowing JP players to connect with both EU/US (PSU360 offers this due to it being on the X360 servers) or region locked to your specific continent.

Another thing I mentioned were the release dates for EU; Phantasy Star Portable and Phantasy Star Zero were released a few months after the US version. This could happen again, if so then I'm sure the servers will be region locked for infrastructure/on-line mode. Won't decide on anything yet as we'll get answers as the game nears release this fall.

Project Diva 2 Opening

Morning glory! The video is getting me psyched up for the release; for some reason I prefer it to the first Project Diva opening (will explain below). It'll be hitting Japan on the 29th July 2010, Playstation Portable only. The Youtube video embed is within this post for those who read off the main page, just click the post title or continue reading wkwt

Data-transfer option from the first game will be available along with the use of the D-pad, this will make things interesting like the DJ Portable Max games, do want! DLC comes to mind too but I'm sure there's plenty of stuff to unlock this time.

23 May 2010

Double Spoiler ~ LOLI 12.5

In this post there will be screen captures from a recent S run of MAX II. Even with the event over it's still fun to run the missions; going against monsters that are 70/80 levels higher than me is suicide! Anyway, I tagged along since I'm a dedicated group healer/buffer for infrastructure play. Even Rauna who was LV196 took a hard beating, the occasional OHKO would happen too. There are 20 screens in total (got lazy with them) and I'll provide my usual commentary for fun.

Prepare yourself for hard butt clenching, double the loli's and my favourite, explosions!

21 May 2010

Maximum Attack Cross IV (Video)

The fourth and final video for my MAX coverage. It's been a long month but I had a lot of fun. Won't say much here as I'll be giving you my thoughts regarding the whole event, along with screen captures and naughty secrets in another post.

Prepare yourself for a pick and mix of footage, a layer of orchestral symphony and yellow snow!

19 May 2010

Encode, edit and convert

Waiting for my coffee to cool down as the morning weather hits off with a hint of summer. Had hoped on a quick release since the previous video was delayed. Good news though, I'm busy working on MAXIV as you can see in the capture.

In total, there's roughly 2 hours and 35 minutes to edit since I ran with five people; with the bonus area unlocked it's given me more to do. Not that I'm complaining, I find it more funnier when I want to include random BGM and sound effects. Especially an intro unlike most gaming videos which just offers gameplay. With a self given deadline, expect this on youtube any time this week... Unless I give into long sleeps, procrastination and going out with mates for fun times.

18 May 2010

Executor desu no!

This is incomplete at the moment! The inking has not been done yet so it looks rough, like it’s been done in MS Paint. I had a lot of ideas when the sketch started, too many that I ended up going for a Kuroko’s armband grab ‘JUDGEMENT DESU NO’ pose. In this case ‘EXECUTOR’ replaces ‘JUDGEMENT’. Forgot to mention that she’s my favourite character in the Index/Railgun series, hence the minor similarities. Could call it a day with my creativity now, must do something else.

風紀委員エクスキューター 'Disciplinary Comittee Executor' is the uniform that kaori is wearing, it's my favourite outfit in the game so far (totally worth the 300YEN). Concerning the background, I was going for Gouki/Akuma's Raging Demon Ultra. Decided to change afterwards but I'll work on something out that will look good i.e. Clad 6 background whenever I can orz

17 May 2010

Monday kicks off with Coffee

Wasn't sure what Category to put this under. Anyway, encoding videos can take a while so to keep the creativity flow going I ended up doing some fanart; Sketching loli's can be fun! If I can fully finish this image of kaori then I would consider doing a collage of the people that I play with (their own characters) into a promo poster, something like that.

Once I get the storyboard done for the MAXIV video I can work on editing the rest of the runs. Will mix and match the footage since the bonus area has been unlocked. Gonna prepare dinner, eat and get back to this as soon as possible.

16 May 2010

Burning Poster

Just finished a session on-line with ami, box and vorpal. We attempted MAXIV twice; failure on the first run but completion on second. It's enough footage to get me started so a video will be on the way sometime after this coming Wednesday. Consider this rare, I hardly post after playing since I'd pass out from fatigue but upon restarting I find this in my room.

It's a Burning Rangers - Burning Poster. Not sure how this was possible to be placed in my room but I'm sure it was one of the three. Think I know who it was but my tiredness has blocked out so much, apologies. You can have my cake and anything that contains lactose... thank you!!! ∑(O_O;) YOU WA SHOCK!!! (video) Had to throw that in because the GRAND KARAOKE AUTO idea is amazing. Also Hokuto no Ken screams win all over, why? Because you're already dea...

What's the time now, ugh... with the lack of sleep I'm not sure how I'll cope for the rest of the day. A big shout-out to Dayle 'NOVASTAR' Corbin, a friend of mine who will celebrate his early Birthday in 5 hours time. I'll be coming brotha!

Good morning, afternoon and evening

Greetings anonymous! It's about time I got back here for an update. Things aren't looking to bright in real life but I'll rant about that over a drink or something. Speaking of drinks, chugging Sake while doing karaoke makes everything awesome! Judging by my tweet updates I've been on a roll with my sinus headache, outings, food and a controversial head shave which will be done after finishing this post. Anyway, let's get back to the Gurhal System for some Phantasy Star action.

MAXIV was released earlier this week but I haven't had time to record any footage. Seeing that I've just uploaded MAXIII it would be wise to chill out for some time. Will fix something up for next week once I've proposed some ideas for an intro. You know, since the event my body clock has adjusted itself from GMT to EST which is appropriate for partying YEAAAAH!

Prepare yourself for upskirt photography, lookalikes and something refreshing.

12 May 2010

Maximum Attack Cross III (Video)

I know it's late but I can say that it's finished. Sadly, main editing of footage was done with haste. To cover that I've thrown in an intro for some kicks. It's for entertainment purposes but this is how I roll when I'm rolling, barrel rolling.

Durarara and Captain Murasa fans, prepare yourself for something familiar. Otherwise sit back, relax and enjoy!

10 May 2010


Successful runs mean that you will run it one more time, then another, and another. The fun doesn’t stop till you start to feel the fatigue kick in. One thing for sure, I can start work on the MAXIII video; I am hoping to go overboard with the editing this time so it might take longer than expected. Why watch something without the entertaining goodness?

For those who have noticed, it was intentional for Kaori to undergo a makeover. No surprises there but I've turned her into a loli; Imagine K-ON's Azusa Nakano (中野 梓) but with a bit more にゃんにゃんにゃんにゃんにーはおにゃん

9 May 2010


Saturday, how did it go? I'll explain; woke up around 4PM which was good, providing that I had slept at 7AM earlier in the day. Left before 6PM to meet up with a few friends. One meal in the evening followed by an 'unplanned' karaoke and drinks left me in such a state that the day lasted only 7/8 hours. Passing out after getting home was a first but did that make any sense to you? Well, to avoid confusion... I'll be passing out again right after this post and I'm still hungover.

This site will undergo another revamp, advertisement is in the plans but that should help cover some costs for the domain/hosting. In the mean time I'll be on twitter assimilating followers with random food/drink pictures and updates.

8 May 2010

MAXIII Progress

I've only ran this twice so far and I have to say, it's much better than the previous stages. The collection of chips is still necessary and providing that you manage to get all 4 before the boss fight; you will unlock a portal leading elsewhere to see a familiar face. They'll be different depending on the chosen rank which is still A or S. Any ideas who? *giggles*

I'll have to run this a few more times in order to post a video. It's much harder and requires good co-operation with your party members if you wish to survive. Scape dolls drop a lot so that says something, nonetheless its fun, fun, fun.

7 May 2010

Lately I've have had urges to log on my steam account. There's portable and console gaming, then there's gaming to be done on the PC. My rig isn't that of an awesome build but it can manage games pre Decemeber '09

6 May 2010

Lemme hear ya say YEAH

There are mixed reactions regarding the contents of this video; it's wrong and hilarious at the same time. The BGM makes up for everything so don't be ashamed to watch this over and over again. More information and captures at はちま起稿.

I've been playing this game for an hour already and it's really awesome. Will have to put it down as I need to prepare for MAXIII runs tonight on PSP2. Will be looking forward to it as mentions of 'awesome' sprinkled with a 'harder' difficulty enlightens me. This should make healing intense, which is the way I like it (would be nice if they had more light spells).

I spent the entire day naked yesterday

It’s been a week since I’ve deactivated my facebook account; reasons were personal and I was informed that it caused a stir-up with the friends on my list. I did not inform anyone of this and to be honest, I don’t see it being much of a big fuss. For those who wish to contact, you know where to find me. If not then good for you, I can't see myself using it again.

I’m going through a really bad phase at the moment; consider it a personality disorder which hasn’t changed throughout my early teen years. Transitioning to real life now, ugh... will stop there so instead, I’ll continue this post with current activities. It mostly consists of the usual along with sleeping, eating and some studies on the side but I’ll make a start.

3 May 2010

ARiA (Maria)

Can't stress how good this cover is from the original; Miku's voice just doesn't do it for me anymore, cover artists do it best in my opinion and Maria's got the singing spot on. Not just the singing but the PV generates so much goodness. Instrument transitions work wonders from start to finish and I can't say anything bad about this song ★★★★★

★.。・「ARiA」歌ってみた ver.MARiA ☆、。・

More information regarding the original and other work can be found over at http://headphone-tokyo.com/ (JP)

1 May 2010

SSFIV, Ironman 2 and my arm

I've purchased the game! Traded in six games apparently, Cooking Mama 2 for the Wii got me the most money out of the lot... SERIOUSLY? Chose the Ryu iPhone case and ended up watching IRONMAN 2 during the night.

Firstly, the film is awesome and is worthy of two or even three screenings. I love where they're going with Ironman and the sneak preview at the end is a no brainer to what's going to happen in the sequel *screams*

Secondly, I happened to have strained the tendon in my right arm. Lately I've been getting a lot of discomfort during my sleep; I sleep over my arm at times and don't realise it, only to wake up feeling immobile. Okay that's not the main reason but the amount of gaming I have done over the week has caused this (serves me right). Therefore it's time to rest for a few days, inactivity will now occur.

Tonight also see's the showing of FATE/STAY night Unlimited Blade Works in London, among with three other films in an Anime/Manga movie night. I'll try and get some coverage of that for an upcoming post! It shall be a night full of fun, filled with caffeine, sugar and snacks... hehe.