18 May 2010

Executor desu no!

This is incomplete at the moment! The inking has not been done yet so it looks rough, like it’s been done in MS Paint. I had a lot of ideas when the sketch started, too many that I ended up going for a Kuroko’s armband grab ‘JUDGEMENT DESU NO’ pose. In this case ‘EXECUTOR’ replaces ‘JUDGEMENT’. Forgot to mention that she’s my favourite character in the Index/Railgun series, hence the minor similarities. Could call it a day with my creativity now, must do something else.

風紀委員エクスキューター 'Disciplinary Comittee Executor' is the uniform that kaori is wearing, it's my favourite outfit in the game so far (totally worth the 300YEN). Concerning the background, I was going for Gouki/Akuma's Raging Demon Ultra. Decided to change afterwards but I'll work on something out that will look good i.e. Clad 6 background whenever I can orz

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