23 December 2010

Jag, Bull and Bear Syndrome

It's been a while since I've slept properly, still up finalizing this post while I chat and learn the dance routine to Perfume's 'ねえ' PV which is so awesome. Taking care of two cats now; Kaori and Shiori who are such a big help for occupying the smaller mobs when we're pitched up against the boss. Three isn't considered a crowd here, wouldn't mind taking 'Poogie' the pig along in missions either hehe.


22 December 2010


MonHan monday happened earlier this week to celebrate some ad-hoc fun on MHP3. The amount of fun endured was priceless especially with the new onsen (bath) feature within the Guild Hall. That's right... Three chicks and one dude *gesture spam* along with a table full of drinks and snacks to aid the four of us throughout the night. Did I mention that it was an all nighter session with two trips to the nearest McDonalds for dinner and breakfast? I had a happy meal because that's how I roll, no cheese please~


18 December 2010

The Winter Hunt Begins!

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is back in the UMD drive and I've been sorting out my inventory of items and equipment. When playing solo I'd usually plan, mix and match gear to create something that's both visually and status beneficial; the Kirin/Gravios U/Z set being my bread and butter for everything that requires brawling. Still finishing up on clearing the Chief/Nekoht's quests along with the Guild hall remainders but it's all good. Guess it's because I'm awaiting to play with my friends again next week, nothing beats 4-player ad-hoc with food and drinks on the side. Think I mention of this all the time because of the fun, especially if it's an all nighter with McD's breakfast to end the session.

You'll normally see Shiori wearing the following equipment; centre being casual wear for anything low rank or gathering to the Rathalos X gear on the right. Soloing as a gunner with a defensive cat can sure make things of ease, especially when you're out of paralysis shots or combinable flash bombs.

Shiori is in fact a kitchen chef, Chef de cuisine if you were to call it. When her cats are resting she can prepare the most astonishing meals known to the folks in Pokke Village. Seriously, for a portable game I'd say that this is my most dedicated one of them all. In fact the franchise is a damn troll, making me spend countless hours on manual labour and getting spankings from nature... it's awesome really!

As for the Portable 3rd demo; lush is all I can say since everything is so damn beautiful to look at. MHTri is the inferior version in terms of weapon abilities and thank cat swimming has been taken out. It's fun with a lance charge but anything more than that is just slow and unwelcoming in my messy pile, then again it's probably the bosses that did my head in.

Been catching up with the PSPo2i news that Ricardo has been posting and I've over creamed my pants, soiled to the point where I can soil no more. Anyway, I'm having the time of my life as of now; achievement unlocked for leaving to the real world. Less updates here but I'll put more effort into them.

9 December 2010

Escape from the Audio Mess

Talk about inactivity, it's probably the phase that I'm going through; pre-occupied with the so called real life activities. December is one busy month due to events and meet ups that go on through till the new year. On the gaming side of things it's mostly Dead Rising 2 on the X360 and a cross over between Tekken 6 or Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on the PSP. Thanks to Yuber for the MH3rdPortable demo code too! My budget has been low to import anything let alone buy new pairs of knee high socks.

It's an ingenious idea but I'm currently using my PSP as a webcam. Currently rigged up to a desktop microphone tripod stand, powered in with the component cables out to the capture card. Plugged into the USB is a wire extension for the PSP camera (Chotto Shot) which resides on top of the PC monitor.

Hoping to purchase a new hard drive and more RAM early next year for my media endeavours *cough* INFINITY *cough*. Haven't been making videos at all since they're all filled up. There's more to that but I'll find a day to purge unwanted files. Who knows when I'll next post something up, there's too many backdated ones that need to be finished but I can't be asked. Now I'll find someone to blame for this!

15 November 2010

Movember Choppin'

Been posting elsewhere on a more personal blog since November slapped my head full of frak. All is well, Kaori's been running free missions since the last update; Parum, Moatoob and Neudaiz are out of the way in terms of completion. All that's left is Clad-6 and a ton of client orders. Playing casually feels more refined, laid back and it's still fun yet I'm still in no hurry to get to LV200. What's more important for me are the type levels, anything after LV15 seems a damn drag but that'll gradually work its way up.

Gemaga will still reign > all in terms of steady exp and mp. Did a few to reach Braver 30 and being blessed with 15% rare drop from Sako, the reward screen kicked me with a Tsumikiri-Omote. No plans on extending this because I have no extend codes, well a high level dagger would benefit my C runs in terms of downtime with the Hikai Shuha-san PA. Combine that with a Milla for range and minuscule HP regen, not that it's necessary but I like it. Look, the dagger's filled with a tasty neutral element om nom.

Checking the page views it seems like I'll be working on Kaori's profile page next, this would be similar to the partner card with details and stuff but with a more personal approach. Artwork and a back story for her existence in Gurhal. Those that play this game love their own characters, we all know it <3

24 October 2010

Returning to Clad-6 when I can

Those who come here to check the PSPo2 coverage, I feel like I've let you down. No worries, picked up on it again and will be playing it casually. If there's anything worth shouting about then you can look no further than here, whenever that happens. GOD EATER was played heavily, enjoyed it but anything to do with progress just didn't seem as fun as PSPo2. Will scrap that and think of something better, lol.

Recently, a Japanese player who goes by the alias of Aka (あか) has linked my PSPo2 Technics video on her blog. Quite honoured to be notified and oh my gaa, the amount of updates is amazing compared to mine. Feel free to browse through the blog and check out/subscribe to Aka-san's youtube channel.

http://blog.livedoor.jp/akapspo2/ | http://www.youtube.com/user/lcsaka

Crazy Sleeping Hours

Think I best be getting into the habit of posting again. Something was missing, not posting here would be it. There's much to show and tell just that I don't know where to start; best do it one at a time like how I enjoy my beverages. Watching a lot of Japanese TV and event streams have been a blast too.

Before I finish this post off, the MCM Expo for London will be happening on the 29th-31st at the end of this month. Don't think I posted about it during May and I'm unsure on which day I'll be heading there. My friend's band Esprit D'Air will be performing on Friday and other friends will be going on the Saturday. There will also be a BlazBlue CS booth featuring a Guiness World Record attempt, an open tournament and prizes for BB cosplayers. Not sure if I'll even go but that would be a last minute decision, real talk.

17 October 2010


Zombies, zombies, zombies... I've been busy slapping zombies, blending pizzas and hurling benches. This can explain the blog hiatus but it's been good; social activities have been a bless especially if you throw in a Wii, several games and hours upon hours of exercise multi-player fun times with friends.

10 October 2010

ASCII 101010

I'm posting for the sake of a sceptical day, nothing special but supposedly everyone's raving about the 10/10/10 phenomenon. Regardless of the date, it's been hot and sunny here in London. Had no plans to head out but yeah, gonna get some work done and enjoy the great indoors accompanied by Saber.

I'll be alright, it won't be a problem.

Great news, the El Shaddai TGS trailer has gained mad hype over the past three weeks on nicovideo. The amount of MADS created have been a bliss to watch, one favourite being Shaddai Circulation, lol. Another video that has been gaining a load of points on nico would be the live action version, featuring stylish toothpicks. Nicely done if I was to say myself, funny how damn similar it is when compared.


8 October 2010

Dead Rising 2 tee from Capcom

Seeing this in the post gave me a few laughs, what would he do? Uhh, eat some Philly cheese steaks? Chuck is definitely not my dad but this is awesome, thus making it the third white tee for my collection. Purchasing the game has been on my mind for sometime now but I'll see how it goes within this month.

A recap on what happened below, and the Dead Rising 2 'What would Chuck do?' trailer (NSFW)
Capcom Europe via http://twitter.com/capcomeuro tweeted the following message here on the day. By the time I read this I rushed to the front of the place, in a matter of minutes I found him walking towards my direction. To my disbelief no one else had gotten to him yet so this was the result *manly tears*

Took the Midnight Train Going Anywhere

Activity on Phantasy Star Portable 2 has come to a halt, I feel that there's nothing more to accomplish. Cap level isn't much of a great deal to me, mindlessly farming out Magashi isn't something I'd bother with either. Stopped at 100 Dragon runs; codes became non-existent in my books and settled with the use of 16 boosters instead. Will eventually pick up on this game again nearing the release of Infinity in Feb.

For the time being I'll be finishing up on a few posts, getting round to doing the GOD EATER video along with some doodles. Sadly, Idolmaster, SC2 and Recettear have been taking my time up - Capitalism, Ho!

5 October 2010


Here's another event that took place over the weekend in London. In my humble opinion, HYPER JAPAN is the first fully fledged Japanese culture event to be quite a success here, others such as JapanEx didn't convince me enough. Didn't take many photos since I was busy with a majority of the stalls there.

Good Smile Company's appearance was the main highlight for me. I'm guessing that this was brought over due to the Black Rock Shooter 2010 Summer Campaign, all which started at the 2010 Wonfest.

Nendoroids were on display but only B★RS was for sale. On the right we see the B★RS 1/8 models; Animation and Black Blade versions. Below that is the B★RS Nendoroid Plush and Rock Cannon charm.

4 October 2010


Attending the EUROGAMER EXPO wasn't on my schedule for the weekend. However, a cousin's friend pulled out at the last minute so I decided to take up on the offer. The venue this year is much bigger than the year before, it's the UK's biggest video games expo to date. You can imagine it as a small E3 or TGS with no announcements, just games to try out along with conferences and an industry section.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was all over the place. Both PS3/360 versions were available to play, each console hooked up for multi-player with a time limit on session. The game wasn't competitive but more of a mind f*ck since you're given targets (players) to assassinate, only to find out that they too look like civilians and are possibly after you. Best way to sum it up would be 'hide and seek' and 'tag' for sinister minds. Depending on what character you choose you're given a different set of skills to use, like a pre-set perk system. Demo was fun from what I played, probably better once it's released.

Gears of War 3 was in the over 18's section along with Killzone 3, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2, Dragon Age 2, Bulletstorm, Medal of Honor and other games. Notice how it's mostly FPS, something that I've gotten out of lately. Didn't try anything here since it was ram packed, queues were crazy for most of the games so the 'overpriced' cafe just like at any convention got a visit from me. Vanquish was over in the main hall, sadly it wasn't multi-player but the single-player demo that's obtainable via PSN/XBL.

2 October 2010


Alas the 2nd day of http://www.hyperjapan.co.uk/ is upon us for those in London. I'll see it as a giant weeaboo gathering however, there's more to it than that so it looks like I'll be attending later today. Goodsmile Company will be appearing along with many stalls, Evangelion goodies to Square-Enix. About Nicovideo, they'll be broadcasting from their booth at specific times. I'll be appearing on the 2nd stream later with a towel and sunglasses/hat to do something like this, wish me luck with tasty treats.

First stream live at 20:00 JST - http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv27893532
Second stream starts at 01:00 JST - http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv27894005


Taken from the LIVE ニコ動画 Broadcast (10/02/2010)
HYPER JAPAN 2010 @ 'The Old Truman Brewery' in London.

It wasn't meant to be but it happened, timing was coincidental since I didn't know that a girl was up next for interview. Keeping a straight face throughout was hard and the reaction was mixed. A few of the Nicovideo staff knew what was happening but ignored or laughed. One man that was behind the TV was infuriated, like he wanted to kill me haha. You can see what else I got up to during the event later.

1 October 2010


Got something lined up for this month which will focus on Namco's GOD EATER. I've played a few missions and have decided to go ahead with coverage, something similar to PSP2. Whether or not I stick to this game will depend on how progress goes. This involves adjustment to the game controls, pacing and difficulty which, shouldn't be a problem due to years of playing Monster Hunter. Going against bosses while getting knocked unconscious several times during the process sounds like fun.

It's Kaori's time to be an 'ODD EATER' and devour delicious treats, all shapes and sizes om nom nom.

Regarding self given rules - Cannot watch 'how to' videos on missions, lurk/participate in forums for help and hints. Everything will be learnt in-game for the sake of it, no matter how long it takes. Also, I'm really bad with kanji... this game has a lot of it *urgh* so I'll be taking notes alongside to fix up on my Japanese. Quite aware of the 'English Patch' available for those using CFW but will have to pass on that. Expect videos on specific missions, screen captures to a rant here and there for self observation.

30 September 2010

All in a Day's Dump

Due to my lack of self discipline, tidying my room has been 'work in progress' over the past month(s)... Made some progress on it today, took out several bags of trash which consisted of school books, unwanted bills/notes and 'wanted' goods which I had to retrieve from the dumpster. Hopefully I can get extra shelves up at the end of the week, a majority of my models/gundam have been all over the place.

Got sidetracked with all the stuff done today; ended up adding a SC2 logo to the back of my PSP3000, patched up the other two and fixed the broken memory stick. Talk about being productive, it's at an all time high! Lastly, been thinking about new projects. Will post them up at some point (non PSP2 related).

27 September 2010

Index x Burst

Fall 2010 anime will be starting in just under two weeks, make it a weeks time or so. There's a few to watch on my list, more than what aired over the summer. Going to mention Toaru Majutsu no Index II because although I enjoyed the first season, the crossover with Railgun was pure bliss. Hope to see more of Mikoto/Kuroko in the coming episodes of Index; out of the two, I prefer Kuroko... *fat grin*

Now for 'A Certain Specific collaboration' mentioned on the GOD EATER Blog/Hachimakikou/Siliconera. This got me excited for the upcoming game that is released next month. Didn't play much of the first but there's no harm in giving it another go. Crossover and collaborations really do sell it for me *shakes fist*

I'm a Mikoto clone, sporting the 'Tokiwadai' school uniform and goggles to track electrons Aragami...

Upcoming PSP games are astonishing, shame that I can't afford it all. Fear not, going to ebay a few goods to donate towards the releases. Think I'll make a list at some point since I keep going on about it. K-On! is definitely on the list for several reasons, an alternative for my Project Diva/DJ Max Portable.

HuskyStarCraft Song

Thanks to Vorpal for linking me HuskyStarCraft's channel/videos prior to SC2's release. Got hooked on his commentary and have been digesting the videos to this very day. Guess I'm proud to say that I'm a husketeer but whatever happened to Husky recently, this song just delivered. Such a beautiful song~

25 September 2010


The GodsGarden SSFIV On-line tournament is now underway (from 2PM JST). Catch the USTREAM over at www.ustream.tv/channel/godsgarden. I really should get some sleep, instead I'll GET HYPE!

Midnight Sugar Cravings

With some free time this blog has been given a small overhaul. The colour scheme resembles the old layout that was hosted on wordpress a while back; I really didn't see the red and white working out. Going to be adding a few more things in along with a few static pages, I sure have been lazy but work will commence (slowly). I'll celebrate with a memorable scene from the 'Taishō Yakyū Musume' anime.

24 September 2010

Back to the Grind

Despite the recent US/EU release of PSP2, I've made the choice to concentrate on the JP side of things. Consider it as preparation for 'Infinity' when that releases next year. Sure it's a few months away but I want to reach max level for at least one character. Therefore, the hunt for Photon Codes have begun! 5 down and 20 to go for the Guld-Milla. They're a b*tch to farm due to the low GET rate but this will add to the motivational drive of things. Speaking of which, 'dedbaux' Lolitron has slain over 300 dragons to get the codes. Let's see if I can pull it off, hoping to collect a few T-Yasminkov2KH along the grind too.

18 September 2010

Phantasy Star COSPA and Tees

COSPA are now distributing the Phantasy Star Portable 2/Infinity T-shirts for pre-order, t-shirts should be out by Oct. Click here for more details. Those wanting to order head over to HLJ or HobbySearch.

My entire wardrobe is full of COSPA/JINX. My fashion sense is lacking but I love tees ;_;

16 September 2010

Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO

What can I say? This game is gonna be fun like Climax Heroes W, if not better with a bigger roster and probably more unlockables (fingers crossed for Kamen Rider Black/RX). Release is in December so I'll probably purchase this early next year, although I really should be saving for the planned trip to Japan.

TGS2010 - SEGA Day 1

I'm currently watching the SEGA TGS stream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sega-tgs2010
Check it out won't you! Before I indulge myself in more late night/early morning streaming, bounce over to Ricardo's for some weiner... I mean weining news regarding Phantasy Star Online 2, link is here!

The PSP2I corner looks amazing, the live coverage will be streamed tomorrow around 3AM GMT.
Capcom's 'Monster Hunter Portable 3rd' will be on the Saturday so I can't wait for that too *NERDGASM*

15 September 2010

Aeroplanes in my Airplanes

Great news from Ruby Eclipse today regarding servers for PSP2.

Hi everyone,

While we wait on the servers to go up, I have some other good news for you. I just spoke with our producer to double check this - after many of you asked, we're happy to confirm that both US and UK players will be playing on the same servers and can team up online in PSP2.

So, whether you're from Los Angeles or London, and no matter how many vowels you put in the word "color", you'll still be able to fight alongside each other as you take down bosses and hunt for those elusive rare weapons.

Happy teaming!

14 September 2010

PSPo2 TECHNICs LV21-30 (Video)

Another video done and dusted in two days *pats back*

Haven't slept yet so I'll leave details for another time, though knowing me if I was to leave something unfinished it will stay that way. Will just copy+pasta what I've said from the forums I've posted to;

Highly recommended for those who are planning to level the Force class or...
For those who are interested in seeing what they look like.

Phantasy Star Portable 2 should be out today in the US while I have to wait till Friday for release, though some people have been getting their copies already from pre-orders in Europe *shakes fist*

13 September 2010


The new PSPo2 video is currently underway with editing, this should continue after sleep throughout till tomorrow night in time for upload. The video will consist of TECHNICs LV21-30 for viewing pleasures.

Before hilarity ensues with those that are stuck up elitists or just damn stupid; it doesn't matter if I'm using a CAST, that I'm using a wand or ain't showing 1337 numbers whatsoever. About time that people knew that my videos are for visual/entertainment purposes. The toilets are that way for your verbal excretion, if it's occupied then feel free to blow it out your ass for great comfort. Much love <3

9 September 2010


Rapico tweeted away regarding the preview of PSP2i's opening intro and a discussion with Dragon Sakai a few hours ago. This was to be shown via nicodouga live-stream around 18:50 (Japan time).
I wouldn't have caught this if I didn't stay awake to play Monster Hunter Tri, it's now 1PM *facepalm*

Click on this image to view the video

The Song is called 'Ignite Infinity' and I love it, a much better song than 'Living Universe' in my opinion. Though I'd like it if Mizuki Nana was to do a song for the game too, something extra on the side for fans.

I got really pumped for this, the 10 minute countdown was too long to bare. Previews of the new Castlevania game were shown first but the main highlight for me... Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity!

'Dragon Sakai' explained about the PS series, what the Portable series offers along with collaborations for PSP2i, weapon design contest and so forth. The intro was shown near the end of his interview.

No game footage was available, though we're all expecting more to be announced at TGS next week.

Here's the requested download link of the opening - Mediafire
I've already encoded the video so you can watch it on your PSP.
Slap this file into the 'VIDEO' folder of your memory stick and you're good to go.

145 Days of Power Rangers

Power Rangers, for those who grew up with it would surely love this. Each day will show an episode from the series, today with the first. Free streaming at it's finest http://powerrangers.com/episodes.html

R.I.P Thuy Trang

4 September 2010

Morning and Magazines

Couldn't resist getting Weekly Famitsu for myself due to the PSPo2i insight, it's been a while since I've bought a magazine too! The next issue contains more info regarding Monster Hunter Portable 3rd which is delicious. Did anyone mention (me) that the new female human design is so 'Ranka Lee'? KIRA!!

If you're wondering, I've been lazy when it comes to reading up about gaming news. The magazine format still holds a place in me since I'm use to having hard copies. Use to collect PCZONE several years back around '99, along with guitar magazines, Megami to Art books and Music band scores.

Wanted to post this up a while back~ Cousin went on holiday and came back with some Vocaloid goodies for me, though there's another thing which he has yet to give me.. *cough* Reimu *cough*

Tweeted the other day that I'm back into Monster Hunter Tri, this time round playing the NTSC version with my PSPo2 mate Yuber. Might record the stuff we get up to because it's unbelievably funny.

31 August 2010

LUNA SEA announcement on Ustream

Been a slave for nearly a decade now, time flies and to see a world tour happening... I've become so wet. Anyway link is here and it's currently live - www.ustream.tv/channel/lunasea

30 August 2010

Wind, Rain and Sun

Caught up in a lot of things so I haven't had the time to sit down properly and finish a post, come up with something creative or get enough rest for my health. Lately I've been making the most out of Summer before the Autumn season kicks in, though the wind has been nice recently here in London.

Kaori reached level 150 last night, took a short break before that and the Magashi runs have been rather helpful. Yuber and Ami are to mention for the 'Big Push', 'JUMP' and a few rare missions.

Haven't touched any other games apart from MHFU (Monster Hunter Freedom Unite) which I play with RL friends. It's fun starting over again from HR9, not to mention the intense screams and laughs during ad-hoc mode. Whether your outdoors, at someone's BBQ or even when you commute.

Saw Scott Pilgrim over the weekend with a few friends and we were in hysterics. Best experience I've had in a cinema other than the Evangelion films shown back to back. Definitely have to see it again, probably another two or three times since it's awesome and on a bigger screen.

Huge distractions would be Kamen Rider!! Been catching up with the Kiva and W series, though I've been rewatching some DEN-O and will make a start on Faiz if I can. Kirihiko was such a man, man.

Would be nice if I could really pull this off in game... Yeah, I'm not fond of Accel.

Speaking of which; Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity!! The expansion that will probably blow my nuts off. Mizuki Nana will be voicing 'Nagisa' and I sense what type of character she will be. Ordered the famitsu magazine stating the news alongside with the one after, which contains MHP3rd goodness.

23 August 2010

3 hour Journey home from SVB20-X

Will post something more in-depth when I've managed to get some rest, the event was awesome.

I had to do some photography work during the finals; from 12pm onwards till 1am! It sucked because my SLR was lame, not to mention that I was somewhat nervous. After a few hours I gotten use to moving around the stage, taking close-ups and asking the finalists to pose before their game started.

A few of the amazing faces witnessed within the tournament~

Celebrities I'd say, can you guess who?

Anyway, will have to get round to uploading all the photos for Neo Empire after I wake up. For friends that asked, no I didn't get paid... will get round to working something out however.

Here, have some links won't you http://www.neoempire.com/ and http://www.supervsbattle.com/

20 August 2010


Super vs Battle is THE Fighting tournament to be at for those in the UK, mainly London. It'll be starting in less than three hours and I haven't had any sleep. Not sure if I'm going today but definitely for Saturday and the finals on Sunday, get hype!! Daigo Umehara will be there along with Marvel vs Capcom 3 for some hands on action. More details over at http://www.supervsbattle.com/svb20x/

Think I'll be packing my SFIV TE Stick for some casual games, gotten rusty due to Starcraft 2 though. Anyway, to finish I shall present something amazing... Sailor Moon fans rejoice, this is just too sweet!!!

In all honesty, I preferred Sailor Moon during my childhood days opposed to Dragonball =o

18 August 2010


Episode 20 of K-ON!! Has touched me in ways that, tear jerking was the only way to go. Bless them ;_;

SOUND HOLIC - Endless Seeker

Touhou arrangements are delicious especially from the recent Comiket 78; it's all that I've been listening to over the past two years or so... that and VOCALOID. SOUND HOLIC doesn't disappoint and due to this I shall link something that's worth the listen. Credits to aghart101 and his decent choice of uploads.

In regards to the album 'SOUND HOLIC feat. 709sec. - Endless Seeker' it's refreshingly good in terms of track listing; the vocals collaborate so well with the instruments and vice versa. Personally I'm not hot on male vocals for arrangements (apart from COOL&CREATE's beatMARIO) but 70sec's imo is decent. Majority of tracks are upbeat with some sort of Western influence, dare I mention some Lady Gaga?! Oh, Nomiya is in this album performing '真夜中★スカイダイブ' and for that I'm in awe, yeah I'm a fan ^^

12 August 2010

Rant, Hiatus, Stuffs

Over 700 hours and counting, this game sure is worthy of investment for the PSP. Infrastructure Mode wins hands down since playing with others is a must. I've met a decent bunch who I consider as amazing e-friends, shame that they don't live close by since that would be of a different story.

I've removed myself from the psow community/forums for several reasons; pricks, elitists and people who are so freakin' stupid. Sure you'll find them everywhere but the ones encountered there are the worst I've come across. US gaming forums in general since it's all rage, resulting in sidetracked threads that contain countless pages due to one person's opinion. Another thing is, do people read at all? Why do people tell you to do things their way with some sort of aggression, a high and mighty attitude. Mind you, I have moderated a few forums in the past and learnt that a small, tight community works best. Should have stayed a lurker regardless, even my type of trolling ain't worth the hassle.

To quote Gene Wilder, all I have to say is "Good day sir!" http://youtu.be/xKG07305CBs

Real life complications have caught up to me again. I'm to the point where I'll have to decide whether or not to drop what I currently have and move on, progress! Danny Choo mentioned this as the 'comfort zone' during his presentation a few months ago in London. Will be giving it a lot of thought throughout the weeks to come. Casual seems the right word to use, for PSPo2 and games in general.

Thanks for reading, much appreciated.


7 August 2010

Oh Jabroga!

Preparing a lot of screen captures for the upcoming PSPo2 posts; current character progression, infrastructure mode missions with the usual guys/girls to other goods that are worth mentioning. Have to sleep now but I'll leave you to a handicap match with the four of us against a Svaltus!


Paying for SSFIV lessons...

That's right, top tournament players are offering training to those who wish to pay. For the whole article, click here for some lovely reading. The service is good on those that are interested since they have the money and are willing aka SRS!? Anyway, Lance explains it quite well in his video.

Right, I take my fighting games casually but it doesn't hurt to get competitive every now and then; unleashing your wrath of abusive powers verbally, mashing the crap out of your stick and raging over your melted ice cream. It's even better when that person is next to you, now who's to blame?

29 July 2010

CONTRA in your PSP2

Haven't posted on the actual blog for a while, especially with my Phantasy Star Portable 2 Progress. It's been a busy week but a few hours here and there in-game tends to suffice for steady levelling. Challenge Mission II (Stage 4) was released yesterday, I didn't know of the contents but I ended up witnessing something that left a huge smirk on my face, countless youtube searches and did this...

We ran it twice, along with Stage 2 and 3 for those lovely rewards. Will eventually get my desired elements on the weapons but that might take some time. Anyway, I'll kindly state that feedback is necessary for me to bring out more videos, hit that thumbs up button and feel free to comment <3

25 July 2010

SFxT Announced!!!

Mentions of this happened at Evo, some didn't think it was coming but it's all true now... GET HYPE!!!

Credits to Lance Cryor and RajmanGamingHD

21 July 2010

De:Synchronisation (Video)

It's finished~ Thanks to those for the support, you know who you are! Video details coming later.

20 July 2010


This slipped past my radar; managed to set-up the 360 today only to find out that Idolmaster 2 will be out next year? *HNNNGGGG* indeed. Wonder what goods they'll tease us with for limited editions ;;

Credits to MagentaG and LobsterHime for the upload/work, much appreciated o/

18 July 2010

Those ideas... Stuff them into a Sandvich!

I'm wanting to make more videos but I can't due to the current one in progress. Therefore I've toned down on ideas to keep it simple, ensuring a quicker release which should be later this week. Will state what's needed so I can keep myself focused, otherwise I'll be distracted ;;

I've scrapped the After Effects work (masking) since it's very, very time consuming. I will however use what I've learnt over the past few days and do it for one of my free mission videos.

Footage required -
  • Saunria for the character introduction; poses and PA usage
  • PSO, won't spoil much here but I'll be capturing it from the GC version.
Upon completing the above -
  • Do Saunria's introduction, which will be 4 seconds long (like the rest).
  • Export video to Adobe Premiere for text transitions.
  • Import back into Vegas for finalizations then render out for upload.
  • Considering a NicoDouga upload, will re-render with a smaller resolution.
UPDATE 22 July 2010 - 
After getting Saunria's footage everything was done. The finalizations were to add some extras.

Youtube shouldn't let me down due to the earlier video encodes, after that I'll be posting it to PSOW and probably the SEGA forums for some attention. Since the Western release is soon this should spoil for those that wait. Since my first video upload back in March, it was just standard game play. I've made improvement since and it will stay that way, incorporating music and other goods.

Other video ideas -
  • JUMP mission; this will feature Yuber and Ami who will dress as PSO characters.
  • My Newman alt, displaying the use of LV21+ force PA's.
  • Kamen Rider influenced 'HENSHIN' video with Leon's Beast alt.

PSU 360's supplement update will be out in two days and I'm actually considering if it's worth playing, then again Starcraft II will be out in 9 days so that's a no brainer.