12 April 2010

Out and about

Had a busy weekend and I think the hangover and fatigue has started to kick in a day after! Haven't enjoyed the social night-life in London for quite some time and it's good to unwind every now and then.

Attended a 'cosplay picnic' by animeleague UK in the park yesterday and it was such a nice day. There was over a hundred people, free food and a dead mouse somewhere nearby in the grass. Drew CIRNO (Touhou) on a friends A3 paper roll too! Not sure how I'd describe it but it was for her project work, to have a plethora of drawn characters on it.

The day out got me thinking, how would a Phantasy Star Portable 2 cosplay work out? Who to be and so forth.
MCM EXPO LONDON in May is coming up and I could make myself work to create something awesome?!

Now that I'm recuperating I'll have to catch up with much unfinished business like site coding, link banners, social media, photos, ebay listings and video editing. Actually I'll take it as the day comes...

Have to say thanks to Mike over @ http://bumped.org/psublog/ for slapping my URL on his links, the PSUblog pretty much got me started up again on blogging. Also a big thanks to Yakumo @ http://yakumo.over-blog.com/ for her mentions on this site, it slaughtered me with a huge smile to finish off a great weekend!

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