28 April 2010

Soaked in and Sponging

I had doubts about updating after the release of Monster Hunter Tri. Well it seemed unlikely since it’s the only thing I’ve been doing all weekend; over 40 hours have been sunk into playtime and you could say that I'm totally hooked. Now that I think of it, why do I even bother? Loyalties I tell you! This post will serve as a mini review; and MH in general.

Prepare for eye busting paragraphs, slightly in-depth talk and shrunken screen captures.

New to the game? You will not need to know a thing or two about previous titles. All you need to know is that this game will require a lot of time, consider it a chore or an MMO, Facebook game perhaps? Casual play is possible but as a warning, you might get addicted once everything starts to pull together, especially on-line play with other people.

There have been complaints about camera usage; even I had trouble coping with the first MH game about this.
Everything is done manually, your player moves around on the spot but the camera does not follow you.

So what's this about MH? In my opinion, the game is all about character progression and taking aboard all your hunting experiences to overcome anything difficult. You start off with nothing but given the opportunity and time,
you make a living for yourself as the village hunter. This is where the hours start to come in.

Killing monsters is the main priority. They range from dinosaurs, insects, fishes to anything huge.

Another priority is to gather. Every map you visit is full of different resources; you can pick herbs and mushrooms to make potions, mine ores to make equipment or kill herbivores for raw meat. In order to get items which aren’t available to buy, you can combine materials together to produce them. Let’s say that alchemy is involved, cooking meat and fishing.

Character stats are based entirely off the equipment you use. Decorations can also be forged to fit into slots within the armour for more stats too. Again I won’t go into this deeply but think of it as Line Shield upgrades in PS or Jewels in WoW.

The set I'm using here is the Ludroth armour. Royal Ludroth is one of the boss encounters that you’ll come across and he can be such a pain for first timers. Anyway, with the resources you carve off a boss you can craft armour that will resemble it. In other words using the boss’s armour against it will provide you the most benefits in terms of resistance etc.

With that done with, I'll get to MH3 and where it starts off! Moga Village is the place where you will reside in off-line single play. Recent 'earthquakes' has wrecked the place and you'll be helping out with renovations by gathering resources. Sounds tedious but to see improvements over time is worth it.

You'll have your own room which your cat helps cleans (that's what he tells you) he'll also sort out furnishings if you buy them. The storage box is where you will be managing items/equipment. Feel free to save game or sleep till the next day.

The local market lady sells the basics needs, it can be expensive unless you decide to combine materials instead.

Help rebuild the farm over time in order to grow whatever you plant into the fields, with fertilizer too.
Grow out mushrooms of your choice, produce honey and raise insects for use.

Later on you will be provided with the forecast feature. Quite nice for when you want to go out into the Woods to gather/hunt. Sometimes it can be quiet, bosses could appear or have chances of finding rare goods to trade in.

Fishing boats can also be assigned to be sent out to shores or islands to find fish/treasures.

Quests are provided by the Guild Hall. The Guild Sweetheart, your liaison will be the one to talk to. Whoever wrote her script surely needs praise. Her conversations are amazing! Sarcastic comments to witty jokes.

Get requests to kill a specific amount of monsters, gathering specific items to capturing or hunting down bosses.
The more you complete, you'll unlock harder difficulty ones along with new areas to explore.

Yikes... I feel like I'm getting lazy with this post now OTL

After completing a mission, you'll be presented with a rewards screen. Depending on what objectives you undertook, items/materials will be generated randomly. Doing sub quests will provide more rewards.

One of the many new additions would be the torch. Brighten up caves, wave it around or draw insects towards you.

Being able to swim underwater for the first time in game is amazing, I can’t complain about this at all.
Sometimes I feel like swimming myself after being in the water for quite some time.

Underwater combat is comparable to being on ground and what else? It’s just amazing... that is all.

You know, linking the wiki would probably save my time in typing out a butt load of stuff! MH3 Wiki.

As you can tell I suffered a lot from typing this post out, just couldn't finish it properly. Then again I can get to work with my MH blog providing progression during missions and videos over time, similar to my Phantasy Star one which will be continued. Commentary will be provided so look out for them if you're interested in my huntings. Signing out!

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